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Water Damage: What to Do After a Flash Flood

Water Damage: What to Do After a Flash Flood

If you suddenly experience an unexpected leak in your home, would you know what to do? In an instant, Mother Nature's rains can inflict total destruction. This could result in a cracked water pipe that is constantly flooding out your living space. Water damage in your home is very serious. While your first step should always be to find the water source and try to stop it, here are a few quick fixes that you can do while you wait for the items to be repaired.

Pump out The Water

The first thing you'll want to do if you have standing water from flood damage is get rid of it. Pumping the water with a sump pump will help drain the water. Once the water's drained, you can start analyzing the damage. Once the water levels are down, call the water damage restoration team at ZEROREZ®. They'll be able to come out and analyze the situation. They can haul wet oriental rugs away, then clean them at their in-house facility. They'll treat them with electrolyzed water for a safe cleaning and return them as soon as they're ready.

Restoring Flooring

If your hardwood flooring, tile or carpeting had a lot of standing water on it, it's important to determine if you can repair it or if you need to replace it. Before you decide to rip the carpet out, call the pros at ZEROREZ®. They may be able to save your wet, soiled carpeting with their powerful extraction process. Even Hardwood flooring can be salvaged by extracting water and then immediately applying cleaning solution. From there, the wood fibers or carpeting are saturated, cleaned and water is removed. The result is a clean, healthy floor that is safe to use again.

Try To Remove As Much Furniture as Possible

Once the water has stopped flowing in your Suwanee home, the first thing you should do is find your electrical breaker and shut the box off. This will allow you to safely go in and shut off all water valves if necessary. You'll be able to assess the water damage in your home. Try to move wood furniture to a safe and dry location.

Get the Air Circulating

With small amounts of standing water and wet flooring remaining, you'll want to get the air flowing. This is because damp spaces are a breeding ground for mold, mildew, germs and bacteria. ZEROREZ® water restoration specialists can bring out industrial sized fans to quickly circulate air in your home and promote a dry environment.

Waterproof Your Home

Once the leaks have subsided and your items have been restored, it's time to consider waterproofing your home. A temporary fix would be to seal off any holes or spaces where water can easily enter. This may include a broken downspout, a missing roof shingle or missing flashing around your roof. From there, you may want to consider have your basement as well as the exterior base of your home waterproofed to prevent water from pooling. The pros at ZEROREZ® can come out and apply the Zr Clean™ solution to your flooring and hard surfaces to create a barrier that will be resistant to future water damage.

Water damage is very serious. Call the pros at ZEROREZ® right away. They'll assist you with clean up and flood recovery.

Image Source: Flickr

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